Thursday, 26 December 2013

About Indian Astrology

Indian astrology is the ancient science that uses the movement of the planets and stars to know and understand the different areas of life. Astrology can provide information about the basic nature of an individual and also provide guidance on how best to navigate with respect to future challenges and opportunities.

Indian astrology takes into consideration about the birth of the specific person. Mathematical calculations arising thereafter provide information that may be useful to determine the best course of action an individual or group can take. Readings based on Astrology are available to assist in all areas of life, including love, relationships, work, money, health and family. Astrology can also be used to choose the best time for important events such as marriage, launching a new business or sign a contract.

These readings are available in many forms, including written reports, phone readings with astrologer live or short readings online. Written reports of Astrology Online are generated by a computer program by an astrologer based on your data specific birth. These reports can give you an overview of your birth chart, as well as an area of your life in particular. Readings or conversation with Live Astrologer usually involve a deeper analysis of your birth chart and can also tune to specific issues or questions you may have about different areas of your life.

This type of reading allows you to question the Astrologer and have more control over the direction the reading lead. Short readings online are a great way to find out what is currently happening with your astrological sign on a given day, week or month. These readings can provide you a quick and easy overview of the information. Astrology is a great way to learn more about yourself and the world around you. There are countless options to choose readings as you explore the fascinating relationship between you and world of stars and planets.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Astrology and Gemstones

Gemstones have energy powers that can help us heal our wounds and empower us in different areas. The stones have been used since bygone time, for its curative and healing powers. Since those ancient times, practitioners of astrology noticed the relationship between the stars, human and gems. 

 Each stone has a different personality and character, which can be easily classified in terms of astrology. The red and yellow colours of amber are easily related to the element of fire and the sun. The darker, and green or black stones often are connected with the earth element. The clear or slightly yellowish stones, and pale green, maintain relations with the air element.

Stones of Fire

The fire element is connected with vitality, creativity, love, strength and warmth. The fire element brings strength, bravery, courage and passion for life. Below are few fire stones

•Amber - it is related to Sun. This stone exudes a warm and radiant energy, which helps strengthen our overall energy levels, while feeding our heart and increases our confidence and magnetism. It also helps to leave behind emotional problems.

•Ruby - it is related to Mars. This stone is empowering stone and has an expression of the fire appeased. This stone is protective as it rejects negativity, and it increases the power of the wearer. It increases the sexual potential.

•Rhodochrosite - it is related to Mars. This beautiful pink stone brings a subtle fire and calm expression. It Increases energy levels and helps to open the heart. It also helps in cleaning the blood and stimulates heart circulation. It also prevents mental attacks and extreme emotional trauma.

Air Stones

The air keeps regarding communication, reflection, alertness, intelligence and sociability. Below are few air stones

• Aventurine - it is related to Mercury. This stone dissipates emotional stress; it helps to have a positive attitude towards the environment and brings peace and serenity. This stone is known to increase our capacity for perception and increase vision.

• Jasper Yellow - This stone is related to Mercury. Jasper comes in many colours, but the yellow jasper is considered as air stone. Helps strengthen mental processes, clarifies the mind and focuses our efforts and visions. Moreover, this gemstone reduces intrusive thoughts.

• Agate mossy - This stone related to Uranus. Mossy Agate brings good luck in matters related to love and passions. High vibratory power balances and encourages introspection, recommended to meditate.

• Amazonite - It is related to Uranus. This stone helps in increasing social connections. It also helps to developing the positive attitude towards life. Finally, it helps to harmonize with our friends and friends.

Earth Stones

Here is list of the stones which will help strengthen and balance the earth element.

• Esmeralda - It is related to Venus. It is a well-known green stone that carries an empowering and invigorating energy. It helps its user to attract love and prosperity, while protecting it from negativity.

• Obsidian - It is related to Saturn and Pluto. This stone is also a stone of fire. This intense black stone is very beneficial to stabilize the energy of the wearer, especially when a transformation takes place in your life. Obsidian increases power and strengthens desires and determinations of the wearer.

• Turquoise - it is related to Venus. Turquoise is the most popular stone used as an amulet and is credited with a great bunch of protective properties. It also protects against poverty by singing a popular saying that says that "the hand that wears a turquoise never known poverty." It is effective against poison and health problems, and allegedly protects its owner against the lack of success in hunting.

The stones are powerful, capable of transforming our lives entities. Be sure to treat them with care and love, just like you would a plant. Stones are said to strengthen our spirit and protect us from harm. They become wonderful allies, able to feed our heart and soul.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Manglik Dosha and Its Effects

Horoscope matching is considered a very important step in India for marriages. Hindu families
generally act according to the dictates of the horoscope. "Manglik dosha" is considered as a big
hurdle in Hindu marriages. Marriages sometimes are abnormally delayed due to such problems.
The "placement of Mangal" or Mars in the horoscope is the main parameter for the consideration of "Manglik dosha".

A person can be considered "Manglik" if your horoscope Mars is placed in
the "Lagna" (positive), the fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house. Some
astrologers and astrological texts in the second house also have to judge "Manglik dosha".
The placement of Mars in the "Lagna" can make a person aggressive and violent.
The second house represents "Kutumb" (immediate family).

The placement of Mars in the second house can cause problems with family adaptation. The fourth house is the house of comforts. The placement of Mars in the fourth house of the family cans lead to inconveniences in one’s life. The seventh house is the house of marriage and the placement of Mars in the seventh house can create misunderstandings in civilian life.

The eighth house is the house of "ayu" (longevity) and also the "Suhaag bhava" (house indicating the longevity of the marriage). Therefore, the placement of Mars in this house indicates danger to yourself and your spouse. The twelfth house is the house of marital bliss and location of
Mars in this house is not considered good.

People often cite the following verse, which shows the accuracy of the "Manglik dosha".
"Lagne vyaye cha Patale jamitre chaasthame Kuje, Kanya Kanya vinaashaka bhartri vinashaaya bharta. "

Meaning: - If Mars is in "Lagna", fourth house, seventh house, eighth house or twelfth house of the
horoscope, the spouse (husband of a girl and the woman's husband) causes the death of a spouse.

The "cancellation of Manglik dosha"

There are some situations in which "Manglik dosha" is cancelled and advice for marriage can be

A) If there are similar afflictions in the horoscope of the boy and the girl, "Manglik dosha" is

B) If one of them has Mars in the "Lagna", second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house and
Saturn or the other has "Rahu / Ketu" in the "Lagna", second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth
house, then too, the defects are cancelled.

It remains a moot point whether the cancellation of "Manglik dosha" or ensure marital bliss only prolongs the duration of unhappy married life.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Numerology - The Significance of Numbers

Numerology is establishing a mystical relationship between living things life and numbers. In this way the number that appear constantly in our life are used as a basis for predicting the future or past events. The numbers are directly associated with us, either through our birth date , our age, height or weight, the number of the street where we live, the number of siblings or the number of letters of our name.

At times these numbers are considered very important in day to day lives and therefore worth studying for concern more about ourselves.

Numerology and Birth date

Simply add up all the numbers of your birth date and reduce it to single number. For an example

Imagine a birth date as August 12, 1991, i.e. 12.08.1991. The sum would be: 1 +2 +8 +1 +9 +9 +1 = 31. Again we return to reduce this amount to a single number: 31 -> 3 +1 = 4. So the number associated with this birth date is 4.

Make this calculation with your own date of birth and then discovers the meaning of these numbers.  

Meaning  and interpretation of numbers

Number 1 - Represents Unity, power and strength. Power and strength that can lead to selfishness and individualism. Reflects strength, drive and ambition.

Number 2 - Represents the, duality, family, private and social life. It denotes an outgoing, kind and affectionate person.

Number 3 - Represents constantly expanding number characterized by pragmatism, and the goals are met. Reflects Shrewd, dynamic and creative character.

Number 4 - It represents Honesty, loyalty, responsible, good features for any individual.

Number 5 – This number Represents Intelligent, curious and with great artistic ability of an individual.

Number 6 -This number represents traits like Confidence, caring and dedication nature of an individual.

Number 7 - People belonging to this number are protective figure who provides security to their family.  This number represents noble, selfless and kind to achieve their goal attitude of an individual.

Number 8 - People belonging to this number are Very tender and sensitive with great skills to live in society.  The traits of people with this number are Emotional, empathetic and high social intelligence.

Number 9 - People belonging to this number are fully independent and optimistic approach towards life. The traits of people with this number Intuitive, impartial and sincere are his most prominent features

Friday, 22 November 2013

Indian Vastu For Home

Vastu is the science of space, designed to maximize the benefits of the nature, for example Water, wind, etc. Vastu is another form of architecture and that the source goes back to India, the celestial architect Vishwakarman.It harmonizes the forces of nature and brings peace and prosperity of the inhabitants.

Following are some tips as per the Indian Vastu For Home


  • Plant a pomegranate tree in an empty creates the ability to build a house there. It also brings wealth and strength.
  • The dimensions of the plots to be always in the ratio 1:1 or 1:1.5 should never be more than 2:1.

  • The length and breadth of the gateway should be 1:2.
  • Ensure doors and windows are opposite each other to improve light and ventilation.
  • The main doors of two houses should never be exactly opposite one another.

Study room or prayer room
  • Northeast is the most important in the building must be vacated or just like a prayer or study room.

  • Between 6 am and 9 am, the sun is to the east of the House. During that time, beneficial ultraviolet rays entering the house. It's good for the preparation of the working day therefore, the bathroom, closet and dresser recommended in the Southwest.
  • The time between 12 AM and 3 PM is time to rest right now the sun is to the south and it is best to have the bedroom there.

  • The time of 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. is when the sun is in the southeast of the house. It is good for cooking from the kitchen is mostly wet, locating in this direction maintains hygiene.
  • Kitchen should be located in the southeast corner.
  • Make sure the gas stove is located in the southeast corner and east, while the face of Cuisine

  • The best direction for a car parking is the Northwest.
  • Park heavy vehicles in the southern areas.
  • Parked vehicles should face east or north.

  • Pictures of fruits, flowers, water bodies and blossoming trees are symbols of vitality and are better placed in the walls of the East or North.
  • Photos of weapons, thorny trees, desert and gloomy dark images are not recommended for homes.
  • Place heavy objects such as television cabinets, etc. in the south or west of the house.
  • Water should be placed in the northeast corner of the room.
  • The stove or oven should be kept in the south-eastern part of the house.

Vastu Shastra tips for home

Vastu Shastra is an ancient science that helps to maximize the benefits offered by the five elements of the nature that we live. These elements are basic sky, earth, water, Fire and wind. Why you really need to get hold of Vastu Shastra is to enrich your lives with prosperity and abundance. Here are some Vastu Shastra tips for home:

1.       Green or yellow Plot and bit of a land is said to be favourable commercial and financial institutions.
2.       The main entrance facing north or the east is said to be favourable. Slope of the roof should be in the north east corner.
3.       Underground source of water, a well, a pond or a tap with a flight of stairs to the surface of the waters to the north, east and north eastern corner of a plot is said to be auspicious.
4.       A plot having rectangular or circular shaped is said to be auspicious as per vastu.
5.       Roads in the north or east of the plot or land or house are considered to be auspicious.
6.       A temple, pillar or a ditch in front of the building is not considered auspicious.
7.       As per Vastu, basement is not considered to be that auspicious if the plot is residential.
8.       The ceiling height of each story should be 12 feet.  It should not be less than 10 feet.
9.       Place or Pave decorative stones around the building of the house. This helps increase the flow of energy in a financial company is suffering losses.
10.   Always keep the bright windows, dirty glass tends to restrict the movement of money.
11.   Make a distinctive touch door to attract wealth. Or give a colour different texture compared with the adjacent walls.
12.   Put a bird feeder or bath in your yard to attract wildlife. This will increase the energy around your home. Bird feeders and baths are a great way to attract prosperity everywhere.
13.   Place real purple coloured plant in the southeast corner to attract wealth.
14.   According to one of the best tips of Vastu Shastra, The best position to place the cupboard is the side wall of the west, towards the north.

Following these simple tips vastu shastra funding that we can grow our bank balance from a few hundreds of millions! Good luck and happy building.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Manglik Marriage

From my experience as an astrologer is not true every time Manglik Dosha Marriage a non Manglik would lead to divorce or death of the other partner. It led me to further research on this and I observed that mars effect can be cancelled in some cases and in some cases it can lead for bad for marriage, as discussed below. 

Manglik Dosha Marriage

1st house or Lagna is the 7th arrondissement 7e.7e the Lagna for the unmarried partner and the 1st house is makara house or the end of life for the married partner. 

2nd house result shows the dangers and difficulties of the partner. 

4th house represents home giving. Sometimes it indicates evil planet occupying a 4th or 8th bhava spoils the bhava. Vandaar that Mars in the 4th is evil in relation to health and property of the native.

7th house shows the legal bondage and health, life and characteristics of the partner. Thus Mars in that house is not conducive to the advantages mentioned above.

8th house shows problems of indigenous and finance and happiness of the home is also partner. 

12th house indicates the real pleasure that an individual after marriage .Mars state here is not conducive to happy married life. 

When the Manglik dosa does is cancelled? 

1. Mars in Scorpio (Vrischika) or Aries (Mesa) there is no dosha 

2. Mars in Venus sign cannot be harmful if Mercury in the sign will be repelled evil if it is in the 2nd house.

3. Mars has no dosha in the houses owned by Sun, the Moon and Saturn’s.

4. Mars has no dosha if it occupies Jupiter sign and house happens to be the 8th house. 

5. Mars as conjoined with Jupiter or Mercury loses it evil side.

6. Mars as Siamese with Moon loses its power to do evil. 

 Who should marry whom? 

1.      If the brides chart, there is Mars Dosha select a groom who more or less similar Mars in Dosha.

2.      Indian brides chart, there is Mars Dosha due to its relative position counted from Lagna or Moon or Venus and has changed due to some disposition or with the change of some planet or aspect of a match that benefice of the groom in whose card also there dosha of Mars

3.      Than no dosha at all in the graph corresponds to brides who have no dosha at all.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Know about your Marriage Horoscope

The birth chart contains many clues about marriage and the duration of your relationships in general. Here you will find information about marriage, divorce and relationships in your horoscope.

There are factors in the horoscope that indicate whether you are or are not suitable for long-term relationships. Also you can see if you have a greater chance of divorce. It is of course a difference whether you are a man or a woman, where you live, what your culture is and how social or economic status is.


What is significant evidence for the 'life' of your relationships? In short:
If much earth characters occupies in your chart (i.e. planets like Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) provide stability and longer relationships. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are conservative and persistent.


Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars or Ascendant in Gemini or Sagittarius gives a greater chance of more than one relationship. Gemini and Sagittarius are 'double characters’.

Jupiter in the seventh house increases the risk of relationships, including more than one of them.
Venus in Aries and Mars in Libra give more potential for disagreement in relationships and can even lead to divorce.

Difficult and hard aspects between houses 1 and 7 of the birth chart make it harder to stay married.

Marriage Horoscope

Women with two or more hard aspects between the Sun and Mars, Sun and Uranus, Mars and Saturn or Venus and Uranus may have to deal with divorce.

Men with two or more hard aspects between Moon and Saturn, Moon and Neptune, Venus or Mars and Uranus and Neptune have a greater chance of divorce.

For marriage horoscope and other details you can consult P.Khurrana. P. Khurrana is world's first Indian Astrologer whose Best Seller book "LOVE SIGNS" has made a proven record on international market.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Mars and Manglik Dosha

Mars stands for passion and sexuality. Of course, this planet has an important role especially in the marital relationship. But Mars is the warrior on the cosmic stage and his mood is that of a fighter. Dispute, anger, aggression and destruction are assigned to this planet, which is why he is considered as a natural culprit.
Its placement in the houses, which are directly or indirectly related to the family life and family happiness, is called manglik Dosha - incorrect placement of Mars. A person with this misplacement of Mars is known as "Manglik". Mangal Dosha is one of the biggest obstacles to harmony and fulfilment in life partnership. Moreover, this affects Graha Yoga (planetary yoga) also on the durability and stability of a partnership negative.

Manglik Dosha but in the classic Vedic scriptures not named and explained in this context, which is why there are minor differences of opinion between the astrologer, when this Yoga occurs. They agree, while the placement is about the placement of Mars in houses 2, 4, 7, 8, and 12 in House 1 only according to some astrologers as Manglik dosha. The disagreements start well on the testimony of two astrological classics, and draws attention to the negative impact of certain Mars rankings:     Jataka Parijata: "Mars in houses 2, 12, 7, 4 and 8 can cause the (early) death of the wife.

Manglik Dosha
Manglik Dosha 

A specific feature of Manglik Dosha is namely the fact that you studied this yoga not only in relation to the ascendant position but also in relation to the Moon and Venus sign (Janma-lagna and Venus Lagna). Thus, for example, has Mars in the 4th House of the Moon and the 7th from Venus to a twin Kuja dosha out. The probability that one has Kuja Dosha in relation to one of these ascendant is very large, so that one at about 50% of the population of Kuja Dosha could speak. Fortunately, the large number of people will not be widowed early. For this purpose, it may be several reasons, some of which are certainly also belong to this yoga neutralizing factors.