Monday, 29 July 2013

How Tarot Cards Can Help You?

The word Tarot comes from the French and is the name of a card game. Tarot cards were traditionally mainly for divination used for future show. Tarot cards  does not say what will happen, but helps to be clear about the reasons why you got into certain situation, what fears or hopes you have, or what kind of behavior harms a profound good and which one does. These cards revolve around the theory that the cards can be used to depict the inner state of mind of an individual.

A tarot deck consists of 78 cards mostly which are used to read the fortune. Each card in deck has several meaning; personality of reader decides which meaning applies correctly to given condition and situation. Every tarot carder reader usually develops his own interpretation of cards. Each reader has his own set of favorite cards. There are some professionals that exclusively practice in areas like love, relationships, careers etc.

Tarot cards reading
Tarot cards reading
Tarot reading can show the ways of handling situations and solve problems with financial matters, careers, relationship home and family. These cards are kind living picture book that changes every time we start reading it. It can help one to decide the most suitable course of action. It also shows the hidden agendas and solution which might have been looked it past. The great tarot card reader can help you to know about your future. We can found many astrologers online which can help you to understand your tarot cards properly. You can also get some easy solutions to get success in life, business. marriage, etc. by great astrologer and numerologist India, P. Khurranna at

Friday, 26 July 2013

Learn how Vastu Shastra brings Positive Energy to your Home

Vastu shastra is science of construction and designing spaces. Vastu is a Sanskrit word which means house to corresponding plot or land. The word vastu drives it meaning from “the foundation of a house or dwelling place or a habitation and shastra means science or teaching. Vastu should not be taken as vidhya that gives solution to your everyday problems. It is one of the ancient and highest forms of architecture. It’s based on thousands of years old principals are which are even valid today.

These science designs Bahyakash (outer space) that is responsible for peace and calm. If this science is used judiciously then the mind is at peace, intellects are sharp, a person can study better, sleep better, there would be no use regarding health, no loss in business and other things also fall in their places. Since vastu shastra have such an impact on individual’s life, here are some tips which one can follow to enrich your prosperity in abundance.

Fish Aquariums: Fishes aquarium lures money. So aquarium with healthy fishes in your aquarium is considered to be good. The steady and gentle movement of fishes in aquarium keeps the energy of wealth at a constant move.

Front Entrance: The front door or the entrance should be made unique to attract wealth. A different texture compared should be given as compared to walls

Windows : Windows glasses should be kept clean and clear as dirty glasses  as dirty glasses is likely to stop the money movement and growth so always keep windows sparkling.

Green plants: If your expenditure is uncontrollable and going beyond the limit, in this case put green plants inside the loo. It would stop the money flushing down the drain.

Decorate: Decorate your house with pebbles, decorative boulders. As a result it would make the flow of finical energy in business rapid.

Almirah or cupboard: According to vastu shastra almirah should which has jewellery on other precious things  should be kept very careful, best position for it is west side wall, facing north
Hang mirrors reflecting locker doubles the riches.

Purple plants: Coloured plants especially purple coloured attracts wealth.

Hanging Crystal: Hanging crystal in window tends to activate positive energy. When the sunrays strike the hanging crystal a rainbow is created. This tip is also considered good for career growth.

Vastushastra for Home
Vastushastra for Home

So above are some useful tips for vastushastra, by following these you can easily overcome problems arising from vaastu shatra. We can also learn more vasushastra tips online and read Books on Astrology and vaastu shatra to lead a happy life.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Numerology - An Introduction to the Fascinating Science of Numbers

Numerology is occult science that deals with numbers. These numbers have great impact on your day to day life and numbers define your life. In numerology letters are translated into your ruling number. These numbers have unique and special numerology meanings and these ruling numbers associate an individual with a certain characteristic.  Listed below are some characteristic of some ruling numbers.

Number 1:  People having ruling number 1 are quite determine, have great administrative skills and have patience

Number 2: People having ruling number 2 have caring nature and are devoted towards other

Number 3: People having ruling number 3 energetic, strong, wise and independent.

Number 4: People having ruling number 4 are very good in organising and planning of things. They are also goal oriented.

Number 5: People having ruling number 5 energetic and shrewd. They usually take advantage of people’s weakness.

Number 6: People having ruling number 6 are very artistic and creative.

Number 7: People having ruling number 7 are very honest and truthfulness and firm believers of justice.

Number 8: People having ruling number 8 works for the betterment of society and concerned for the welfare of people.

Number 9: People having ruling number 9 are courageous and quick.

P Khurrana is well known astrologer and numerologist. He has written 30 books on numerology, astrology, black magic, vaastu., mantra, trantra, tarot, moles, dreams colour, gems etc.  He has great hands on experience in astrology and numerology.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Gain success easily by reading books on astrology

Astrology is a body of knowledge that relates the characteristics of an individual to his astrological sign according to his birth chart. This relation is derived by observing of the stars and the common features of many people with identical birth dates. People having knowledge of astrology claims that the positions of the stars would be related to the personality traits of a person, with the important events of their lives and their physical characteristics. The word astrology is a Greek word and it means “study of stars”.

Astrology deals with effects on humans due to change in energy of solar system. This change of energy has different affect on different individuals. It depends on individual that how he responds on these energies. The change in position of moon also affects us. Any change in ruling planet also brings various affects on an individual’s life depending upon the position and placement of planet in his birth chart. Bad affects caused due change in planet or moon or sun movement can be nullified by doing some remedies like wearing Gemstone, donations, having talisman or amulets or murmuring some mantras etc.

Books on Astrology
Books on Astrology
Astrology is not a child’s play and not a thing which everyone can do. The correct interpretation of planets, stars, moon, sun and can be made by astrologers. Many astrologers have written books on astrology. The books on astrology have detail and depth explanation and analysis of astrology and its various aspects. These books also provide remedies various day to day problems encountered by various people and therefore act as a source of free healing book. They can also act as a very good source for gaining knowledge about astrology. They also help in clearing your various myths and misconceptions about astrology and can answer your quires regarding astrology. These books are based on various topics of astrology like magic, astrology, numerology, vaastu, mantra, yantra, dream colours, moles, gems etc

Friday, 12 July 2013

Healing Power of Various Gemstones

Some gemstones have the power to safeguard you from evil source. Gems are always given lot of importance ether because their beauty and grace or because of their special powers of healing and safeguarding. Gemstones can be categorized on their basis of their properties like size, colour, lustre, orign, transparency, hardness etc to give them astrological meaning. Apart from their physical properties sometimes their chemical properties can also be used to give astrological meaning. Their nine precious stones generally known as nav ratnas are ruby, yellow sapphire, emerald, diamond, red coral, cat’s eye, blue sapphire.

Every gem stone has immense supernatural power its unique properties like pearls safeguards and protect from gastric disorder, mental aliments, asthma, cough, eye problem and etc, yellow sapphire brings joy happiness, wealth and prosperity, emerald controls blood pressure and nervous aliments, diamond brings fame and fortune , red coral is said to give protection from physical ailments along with the protection from natural disaster to natives and red coral should also be worn by women who have gone through a miscarriage so that they can have smooth delivery etc.
Astrology gemstones
Astrology gemstones
Astrology gemstones also help in restoring good health by curing disease and illness like throat, ear and nose problems can cured by white coral and yellow sapphire, dental problem can be cured by red coral and lapis lazuli, any disorder in blood can be eliminated by ruby emerald and blue sapphire etc.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Benefits of reading your daily free horoscope

The astrology study and horoscope predictions are used to tell the fortune by analyzing various things. Not only past but astrology can also be use to picture your past as well as present. Horoscope helps to makes you aware regarding the various things that are likely to happen and guide you to various steps that you can follow to overcome the coming problems and get good fortune. 

Astrology analyses your relationship status, career, the day head and etc and give you the true picture of it. Therefore it is like a tool which makes you prepare for the near and long run future and also provides you remedies for the coming problem also. It also helps you to take right call whenever you are in perplexing situation.

Your daily forecast of horoscope 2013 by analyzing your zodiac sign would be very helpful for. It would make you aware of the coming day ahead and make you ready to face the challenges planned for you. The regular change in the places of sun, moon and planets with respect to your date of birth changes your horoscope thus your future daily.

P. Khurrana Horoscope 2013
P. Khurrana Horoscope 2013
So this change in motion of these heavenly bodies decides your future and impacts your life. So to be aware of the regular changes in planets you should regularly check your horoscope, it would also provide about information about your day head, lucky color and lucky number.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Learn Astrological Remedies - Tantra And Mantra

At times there is a negative thing in your horoscope and you need a remedy for it. Astrology is one of the ancient methods for finding solutions to any problem that arises at any stage of life. Astrology can be categorizes into mantra tantra and yantra.

Mantra is chanting of line or sound repeatedly again and again to overcome the negative effects or problems arising due to a planet. These sound would create and aura around the planet. Since sound brings different level in conjunction with every sound so the negative impacts or problems can be nullified. These sounds also work with differently on different parts of body and the outcome is also varied. By knowing free horoscopes for today online, you can easily plan your future in a right way to have your dreams come true.

Tantra are also sound patterns but these patterns are precise. Tantras are used in lot of cases where mantras fail to effect and tantras solve any issues that would have been blocked by other means. Along with tantra a diagram is used in conjunction that is called yantra. Yantra is considered as a food print of tantra and they both collectively is used use to alter the negative effects of forces of planets. Our Indian science refers to numerous yantras for providing remedies to various problems like marriage, yantra, enmity, children, politics etc.

Free horoscopes for Today
Free horoscopes for today
Making yantra is very cautious process as it evolves use of divine power. The judicious use of yantra can easily solve the problem. People who want to practice yantra must take a true guru and undertake a spiritual task under his blessing. Yantra should be used for good deeds. The process of making yantra is complex and complicated and is a spiritual task, so it should be done very carefully.