Thursday, 24 October 2013

Know about your Marriage Horoscope

The birth chart contains many clues about marriage and the duration of your relationships in general. Here you will find information about marriage, divorce and relationships in your horoscope.

There are factors in the horoscope that indicate whether you are or are not suitable for long-term relationships. Also you can see if you have a greater chance of divorce. It is of course a difference whether you are a man or a woman, where you live, what your culture is and how social or economic status is.


What is significant evidence for the 'life' of your relationships? In short:
If much earth characters occupies in your chart (i.e. planets like Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) provide stability and longer relationships. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are conservative and persistent.


Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars or Ascendant in Gemini or Sagittarius gives a greater chance of more than one relationship. Gemini and Sagittarius are 'double characters’.

Jupiter in the seventh house increases the risk of relationships, including more than one of them.
Venus in Aries and Mars in Libra give more potential for disagreement in relationships and can even lead to divorce.

Difficult and hard aspects between houses 1 and 7 of the birth chart make it harder to stay married.

Marriage Horoscope

Women with two or more hard aspects between the Sun and Mars, Sun and Uranus, Mars and Saturn or Venus and Uranus may have to deal with divorce.

Men with two or more hard aspects between Moon and Saturn, Moon and Neptune, Venus or Mars and Uranus and Neptune have a greater chance of divorce.

For marriage horoscope and other details you can consult P.Khurrana. P. Khurrana is world's first Indian Astrologer whose Best Seller book "LOVE SIGNS" has made a proven record on international market.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Mars and Manglik Dosha

Mars stands for passion and sexuality. Of course, this planet has an important role especially in the marital relationship. But Mars is the warrior on the cosmic stage and his mood is that of a fighter. Dispute, anger, aggression and destruction are assigned to this planet, which is why he is considered as a natural culprit.
Its placement in the houses, which are directly or indirectly related to the family life and family happiness, is called manglik Dosha - incorrect placement of Mars. A person with this misplacement of Mars is known as "Manglik". Mangal Dosha is one of the biggest obstacles to harmony and fulfilment in life partnership. Moreover, this affects Graha Yoga (planetary yoga) also on the durability and stability of a partnership negative.

Manglik Dosha but in the classic Vedic scriptures not named and explained in this context, which is why there are minor differences of opinion between the astrologer, when this Yoga occurs. They agree, while the placement is about the placement of Mars in houses 2, 4, 7, 8, and 12 in House 1 only according to some astrologers as Manglik dosha. The disagreements start well on the testimony of two astrological classics, and draws attention to the negative impact of certain Mars rankings:     Jataka Parijata: "Mars in houses 2, 12, 7, 4 and 8 can cause the (early) death of the wife.

Manglik Dosha
Manglik Dosha 

A specific feature of Manglik Dosha is namely the fact that you studied this yoga not only in relation to the ascendant position but also in relation to the Moon and Venus sign (Janma-lagna and Venus Lagna). Thus, for example, has Mars in the 4th House of the Moon and the 7th from Venus to a twin Kuja dosha out. The probability that one has Kuja Dosha in relation to one of these ascendant is very large, so that one at about 50% of the population of Kuja Dosha could speak. Fortunately, the large number of people will not be widowed early. For this purpose, it may be several reasons, some of which are certainly also belong to this yoga neutralizing factors.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Vastu Shastra Tips for Finance

You work with your mouth open every day, but earn only misery while others do nothing and make millions. Not fair right?

What you really need to do is be with Vastu Shastra tips that the rich are using to enrich their lives with prosperity and abundance. Here are some tips to help you attract wealth in your life!

Fish Aquariums:
Aquariums of fish help attract money. Choose healthy fish for your aquarium is sure to keep the water clean and aerated. The constant movement of a fish keeps the energy of wealth in a steady motion.

Make your front door distinctive to attract wealth. Or give a colour different texture compared with the adjacent walls.

Always keep the window glass clean, dirty glass tends to restrict the movement of money.

Pebbles place decorative stones around the building. This helps increase the flow of financial energy in a business that is suffering losses.

The Green Plants:
If spending is growing out of control, place green plants inside the toilet. This will prevent money washing down the drain, because, symbolically, live, growing things tend to absorb the energy of water and reprocess it.

Vastu Shastra for Home
Vastu Shastra for Home
One of the tips Vastu Shastra says a cupboard and other valuables are stored should be placed carefully. The best position is the side wall of the west, to the north.

Purple Plants:
Place plants purple (live) in the southeast corner to attract wealth.

Hang mirrors that reflect your closet or box. This doubles the symbolic richness.

Heavy Objects
One of the simplest Vastu Shastra tips for those who just stick money, is to place heavy objects on the far left of your room.

The Window Glass
Hanging window crystals can activate the energy. When the sun's rays hit these crystals they create a magnificent rainbow. However, be sure to select a window that receives direct light.

Bird Feeder and Bath
Place a bird feeder or bath in your garden to draw wildlife. This will increase the energy around your home. Bird feeders and baths are a great way to attract prosperity everywhere.

Following these simple Vastu Shastra Tips can finance to grow our bank account a few hundreds of millions! Good luck and happy building!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The ideal match according to astrology

One of the key factors in astrology is to use the four elements in order to determine how well you get along with people we love, work or are we just friends.

Fire, air, earth and water. In the first phase we know is very likely to have a harmonious relationship with someone who belongs to the same element with us.  Thereafter, the next match is between elements fit together - fire air and earth with water.

Fire sign are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The signs of this element are calling for freedom. The fire represents the strong desire and excitement.

The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.  And this element wants freedom but with a different facet. The air represented free thought.

Earth sign is Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The signs of this element need security. The land represents material possessions and practical issues.

The water signs are Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. The signs of this element are needed and these safety but in different areas. The water represents the emotions.

Earth Signs
Earth Signs

Incongruous combinations

With opposite signs can live the experience of a relationship with many variations. Most likely they tend to have a strong relationship, either negatively or positively intense.

Every sign has two other signs that suit less. An easy way is to find the third sign of the series before and after yours. Because of all these factors that define the diversity, difficulties to match the three signs together, is very high both in love and in business partnerships. Yet it is impossible to get along with signs that do not match your own yours. Just need to face and overcome more difficulties.

Love is one thing and the sexual chemistry something completely different. It is very likely to experience an intense sexual relationship with a man with incompatible zodiac with yours. But when the spark goes out, the link is likely to end with the end of sexual attraction. The fire with water creates an "explosive" mixture to the bed. Outside of that, these so different people with strong personalities almost certainly will not find happiness together.

Cardinal, fixed and variable signs

Another way to find the "compatibility" with other signs you are using the property, known in astrology and quadruplicates, or groups of four. There are three such properties: impulsive, constant variable.

Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The signs they love to create.

Constants are the signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The signs they love to stabilize and maintain something that has been created as well as to resist and endure.

Variable are the signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The signs shall attempt to change and adapt existing conditions.

Knowing the sign, the item and the status of a man, we can draw conclusions and safe enough to know what to expect from a relationship with him, arming yourself with those supplies, which will help you to establish a successful relationship, whether it is a great love or a successful professional coexistence.

Know about your future, gandmol dosha, vastu shastra, gemstones, all at one place at